среда, 29. април 2009.

.....sa obale Tamiša..........
..............tako je izgledalo.........živeti.........
............teci sa rekom........
....................stani na površinu...........
.......pogledaj okom vode.......
.................reka je živo biće.........ima dušu......
.......reka je vena Zemlje.........
..........zato se pored nje jače oseti život.........................
............i poštovanje za istinu............
....from the shore of Tamis......................
........that is how living looked...........
...........flow with the river.....................................
........................stand on the surface............
........look with the eye of a water.......
............river is a living being............has a soul...........
........................is a vein of Earth..............
...............that is why you feel life stronger beside her....
.......and respect for truth......................
.......keramički panoi.......25 x 30.......ceramic panels....

..............na drugoj obali.............on the other shore............


.....u čamcu sa psom.......in a boat with the dog......


4 коментара:

  1. dont know what to say.................

    so inspiring
    so beautiful....

    i feel overwhelmed...

    (please give one little pozdrav to tamiš from me
    he has a special place in my heart too)

  2. i dont know what to say

    so inspiring...
    so beautiful.......

    i feel overwhelmed.

    (please give one little pozdrav to tamiš from me
    he has a special place in my heart too)

  3. I will, tnx:)
    iii, hmmm.. po čemu je "he", mozda je "she"??

  4. :))) i always thought of him as a guy,,,

    but i like the idea of her being a woman :)
