............it is remembering...of water adventures...........
..................with my grandfather...........
that was before............
........................when all was pretty clean........
.......secanje na vožnje čamcem sa dedom...pre...
......................dok je bilo čisto
.........it is the lake, you see......
to je jezero, vidite..............
voda daje život prirodi........
.........kao ljubav čoveku............
.................i veliki prizori samo su ćelije.........
ćelije su ogromni prizori...............
.......................water gives life to the nature,..
...same as a love to a man........
.......huge scenes are just cells...........
.......cells are huge scenes.......
............ceramics installations........
hundreds of pieces made from clay, assembled on sand, inspired by space, and current feelings.
represent landscape seen from above, like from the aeroplane, but also, it is story about cells, biological processes, symbolic scenes, where water is the emotion, love, something that is giving life to the scenery... human figure brought to a sign of inner truth of ones personality, and the way of its moving through life....disposed by its own nature, caught in motion through the time in some characteristic snapshot.... animals and plants shown as creatures with specific personalities, as a soul carriers...truth by themselves, plain and simple.... all elements, living and "non-living" in interaction, all parts of a greater universe of macrocosm, and its universal value...meaning...truth...all that stuff....
....instalacije predstavljaju scene kao iz aviona gledane, koje su, iako pejzaž, u isto vreme priče o ćelijama, raznim biološkim procesima, koji su slični geološkim....simbolične scene u kojima voda predstavlja izvor života, isto je što i ljubav, emocije...ljudska figura svedena na znak, ogoljen do neke osnovne istine o toj izmaštanoj individui........uhvaćenoj u kretanju kroz vreme........životinje i biljke predstavljene kao bića sa ličnošću, dušom....one su istina sama po sebi, ispoljena kroz sam njihov oblik...........svi su elementi, živi i "neživi" u interakciji, svi su delići većeg prostora, makrokosmosa, i njegovog univerzalnog značenja...istine...sve se odslikava...u nekakvim paralelizmima...
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